Upcoming Events

Discover what's happening at Soul Talk Radio! From live broadcasts to community events, our Events page keeps you informed about all the exciting activities we have planned. Stay tuned and join us in celebrating the spirit of community and the power of conversation.

Live Radio Broadcasts

At Soul Talk Radio, we believe in the magic of live radio broadcasts that connect our listeners in real-time. Our live events feature engaging interviews with local personalities, captivating stories, and the latest news from Dallas. Join us on designated days for special broadcasts that bring the community together. Our team works diligently to ensure each live event is not only informative but also entertaining. Whether you tune in from your car, home, or mobile device, we strive to create a seamless and enjoyable listening experience.

Podcast Series Launches

In addition to our live broadcasts, Soul Talk Radio is proud to host a variety of podcast series that delve into diverse topics. Each series launch event is a celebration of creativity and conversation. We invite experts, enthusiasts, and community members to share their insights and stories. Our podcast series cover a wide range of subjects including local culture, personal development, and social issues. By attending our launch events, you can meet the hosts, ask questions, and engage in meaningful discussions. Stay updated on our upcoming podcast series and never miss an episode that could inspire and inform you.

Community Events

Soul Talk Radio is committed to fostering a strong sense of community through our various local events. We host community gatherings, charity drives, and cultural festivals that reflect the diversity and vibrancy of Lubbock, Texas. These events are not just about entertainment; they are opportunities for residents to connect, share experiences, and support each other. By participating in our community events, you can meet like-minded individuals, discover new local talents, and contribute to the community's growth. Keep an eye on our event calendar to join us in making a positive impact in Lubbock.

Get Involved with Soul Talk Radio

Interested in joining our events or have questions? Reach out to us today!